Monday, February 21, 2005

what to do?

okay, i'm a little confused on what the heck i have to do. so the camps aren't supposed to be hiring until march 1st...thats a week from now. well, two of them broke their wait to call me up. it just so happens that both of them decide to contact me tonight within 30 minutes of eachother and offer me a job! i'm glad i got to find out sooner than i had anticipated, but now i have to figure out where God wants me to be. theres so many things to look at and compare...i just don't know how i'm going to distinguish between the two. if all of them end up offering me a job, how am i gonna decide between them all? gosh. i guess it isn't too bad of a situation to be in. i just feel bad because i might have to tell four camps that i'm not accepting their offer. i hate stuff like that.

so thats my big decision of the week. on top of that lies my english paper, geology midterm, and big history of the built environment quiz. okay, so enough of that boring stuff. i need to get back to my paper and touch up a little on my drawing.

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