Tuesday, February 22, 2005

the paper project...

as you may all know, i had to do a 6-8 hour drawing this past weekend. what you may not know is that i had to draw paper. yea, that sounds a little strange, but its a pretty simple idea. anyway, turns out that i ended on the short end of the time frame spectrum thing...what i believed would take me 9 hours actually only took me 6. maybe because i spent 3.5 previously on a charcoal drawing that i wasn't supposed to do...you can read about that elsewhere.

so anyway, today was the day we turned in our drawings. i was a little worried about it because my prof keeps telling me i'm not pushing the darks black enough. i really tried hard this time and it was successful! my prof said that mine one the best one up there and that it was a beautiful drawing :). i'm a little proud, if you can't tell. my prof also ended up catching a glimpse of my charcoal drawing when i was flipping the page, which he also made me put up on the wall with the others because he said it was excellent as well. i'm super excited that i was able to impress my drawing prof...hopefully i can keep improving.

i've spent the past hour scanning and piecing together my 18x24 drawing on photoshop so i can post it. it was quite a task, let me tell you. its a little blurry because i don't have my quality bob thing for the pictures pushed up the the best because then the pages take forever to download, and i know how everyone hates waiting to see what wonderful things i have to talk about. jk. in truth, i'm too lazy to change it. also, since i had to piece the parts together, it looks a little fuzzy...it looked a lot worse before photoshop, though! i love that program...so wonderful.

still have to finish my paper...more importantly, find some food for dinner. starving after my nice run in the GORGEOUS weather outside today! oh, i love love LOVE this weather, btw! 72 degrees in february...what could honestly be better?

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