Saturday, February 26, 2005

blogs of note

fridays are my ultimate frisbee days. you just can't understand how mad i was when they closed the intramural fields and kicked us off yesterday. why? because they were supposedly "wet" still from the rain the day before. what what? that absolutely was not the case, and to make things worse, it was gorgeous, sunny, and warm outside. my one day of guaranteed exercise cancelled. i kinda made up for it this morning...amy and i played some hardcore raquetball. it was actually my first time playing with someone who actually knew the it was fun! but it just isn't the weekend without frisbee...

my brother paid a surprised visit to me today! i hardly get visitors, so it was rather exciting. he drove up in his brand new vw...which was also a surprise cuz he hadn't told me he bought a car yet. i showed him my lovely dorm room (which was freshly cleaned), snuck into the art building to show him my drawings, gave him a tour of the campus, and then headed downtown to find something to eat.

i've spent the evening trying to figure out how to code...or whatever you call it. i ended up figuring some stuff can see the changes in the sidebar on the left. i decided to put links to some of my more interesting blogs there...kinda like the "editor's picks" or something rather. so, if sifting through my months worth of complaints about school work isn't for you, those are the blogs that have a little something more to go along with those complaints :).

holy crumbalas...i just blogged about blogging. and coding. what am i turning into??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations! do you feel smart now? ;) yup, the boy got a car. the punk. i only know because i caught his away message before he changed it. le sigh. i'm trying to figure out my spring break gala. yeah....