Wednesday, February 02, 2005

thank you, weather predicting rodent

its not too acclaimed of a holiday. i wouldn't even call it a holiday really. more like, an observance...cuz we don't get the day off from school. needless to say, on this groundhog day, punxsutawney pete, or bill, or phil, or antoine...whatever his name is, would not have been able to see his shadow in good ole athens today. rain rain rain. in fact, he didn't see his shadow in whereverville, pa today. you all know what that means...six more weeks of winter (hope i got that right). sadly. winter has to be my least favorite month. i say month because here, thats about how long it is. another six weeks makes it twice as long. crappit.

whenever i think of groundhog day, i think of the movie. i don't know how popular it is, but its got that guy in it (bill murry perhaps) and some lady that looks like elaine from seinfield. i'm not too good with actors/actresses, if you can't already tell. anyway, he somehow gets stuck replaying groundhog day over and over everytime he wakes up. he commits suicide about 5,298 times, but he still wakes up. its a pretty crazy idea really. i mean, what would you do if everyday was the same and you knew what was gonna happen and all. it would kinda be cool...but you could never really travel anywhere more than a day's time away. well, its something to think about.

and speaking of rain, i just want to mention the psycho people out there who are running around outside in 32.1 degree weather, in a terrential downpour, without an umbrella or coat of any sort. ridiculous. its you people who get sick and start the nasty bug epidemic that strikes down any person (for a solid week) that comes within a 5 foot radius of you. shame on you.

aside from that, i hope everyone had a good groundhog day...tell someone you love them and hold them close tonight. ha ha.

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