Monday, January 10, 2005

every one of us is a star child

and by star, i mean as in the celestial bodies above. okay, to get things straight, this was only one of the wacky things my geology teacher taught us today. first day of classes and we're already off with a bang...the big bang theory, that is. apparantly, each and every one of us has star particles inside of us. when the earth banged into existance 15 billion years ago out of some random mass somewhere out there (which just so happened to go bang...for unknown reasons) it sent particles flying off into the great expanses of the universe. these particles just so happened to form masses (which originally was simply made of other atoms. okay, so a semester of chemistry with matter not being created or destroyed, where does this make sense???) which became stars. these stars spewed hydrogen and helium particles, which bunched into planets, which eventually formed water and life and all of us. so, there you have it, according to my geology professor and the big bang theory, we are made of stars. doesn't that just make you feel so good?

well, i don't know about you, but this is total bs. i'm sorry, but if you look around at all there is in this world, what a sad belief it is that it all happened by chance. for no purpose, no reason, the universe just banged and here we be. thank God that isn't the true story. i guess this class will help me appreciate my faith. i just hope i don't get too annoyed throughout the semester. and nothing is wrong with loving the environment or anything and taking care of it, by my prof is gonna preach on the ending of the world by means of global warming. madness. she already gave us a huge lecture today. oh well.

so that was the first class of the semester. i know one person in that class, my good friend from ruf, katie. second was english...seems like it won't be too bad. tori and victoria from my high school are in there with me. imagine the chances of that. my final class of the day was the history of the built environment. apparantly, this is the second semester of the course and i'm like one of the four people in there who wasn't in it last semester. hope that won't hurt how i am able to do. seems like a zzzz class. hopefully it isn't. so i finished at 12:05...really glad to get all my classes done in the morning. off to buy some books now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i knew it! i knew i was a star!
