Thursday, January 13, 2005

books books books

its really amazing how much books add up to. especially when the classes require multiple books that are about $75 a pop. sometimes i wonder if the price is even worth it...last semester i had to buy a brand new stat book and cracked it open about 3 times for special hw questions. therefore, each use cost about $20. thats quite pricey. anyways, i've gotten all the books i need and now just need to pick up a few more supplies for drawing...hope my parents don't want to scream when they see the bill.

sign-ups for housing are starting up already. everyone is trying to figure out where they're gonna live next year. i really want to live in the same building with a bunch of girls from my hall. the problem is that its extremely difficult to get the suites because theres so much competition for them. darn it. so theres a little bit of drama developing over rooming, i can already feel it growing. who needs to stress about this first thing in the semester??

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