Monday, October 04, 2004

over and done with

well, its on the table. i finally recounted the entire string of events that lead up to the disappearance of my phone a week ago to my parents....a few times over. i just don't think they understand exactly how hard i looked for it and how mind boggling it is that it disappeared into thin joke at all. i really believe it just evaporated. what makes me mad is that i wasn't irresponsible or anything...colette and anna can attest to that. i always keep track of my phone, which is why i realized i was missing it so quickly. so now, rather than buying myself a digital camera, i'm stuck having to replace a phone that betrayed me. thats about $250 or so that i have to dish out...over two months pay. crappit.

on a lighter note, the deuces finally won a game! it was so much fun to be on the winning side of a game for once. we got these awesome team t-shirts...that must have been it. anyway, we dominated the game, 15-12. i gouged a hole out of my knee while making an incredible dive for the frisbee. i'm proud to say that the catch was a success. of course, i got up and kept playing. i'm sure it looked pretty just running after the frisbee undaunted by the stream of blood flowing down my shin. builds character.

anyway, this phone losing, irresponsible, diving, bloody girl needs to get to her english paper. lets hope for another "A"!

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