Sunday, December 12, 2004

temperamental weather

only in the south would you wake up on a december morning and wonder if you need to wear a coat. its quite amazing, southern weather. my winter memories contain a few spastic days where the temperature hits 80 degrees the day after a freezing ice storm. always ice storms, too. we never really get a good snow. the blizzard of '93. now, for a seven year old, three feet of snow was some intense stuff. that was the last good snow i can remember. we typically get a light dusting of snow that melts by 10 am, which i would be lucky to see nowadays, since i'm barely rolling out of bed by then.

well, here at the university of georgia, it would be nice to have some snow. it would be fun to see hundreds of college students sliding down lumpkin on cafeteria trays. the weather, however, will not permit it. usually after halloween it becomes permanently cold...well, as permanent as permanent can be in the south. this year, its been nothing but 50 degrees and raining...or 65, same thing. yesterday it was 70...this morning it was 38. rained all last week and today it finally decides to get decently cold...for the morning anyway. of course, there’s no precipitation forecast in a week when its cold. such is life. perhaps there will be snow in paris, since i'm planning on going for two days over the break. wouldn't be surprised if it happened to blizzard like mad while i'm gone and all melt before i get back or if everyone had sunburns from laying out at my neighborhood pool.

so apparently, my brother graduated from college yesterday. only, he didn't go to the ceremony. everyone else (well, not me) in the family showed up to his graduation except him. oh my. when will he get some sense? needless to say, the family wasn't too happy. i havn't been updated since yesterday morning. i myself havn't gotten too much studying in. not a fan of reading and thats pretty much all there is to do. maybe i can sneak a nap in between readings...

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