Saturday, December 18, 2004

free at last, free at last...

thank God Almighty, i am free at last!

free from chemistry, free from homework, free from the books. it feels wonderful. you know, this is the first christmas break since kindergarten where i don't have any kind of academic obligation hanging over my head. i always hated how teachers assigned projects because they assumed we'd have plenty of time to fit school work in over the break. that was always rough. but, i can honestly say that it is christmas break and i have nothing to do. no reading, no papers, nothing. its fabulous. none of my classes carry over to next semester. i could just forget everything i learned last semester...not like learning is the point of college or anything (joking mom and dad). but i sure wouldn't miss having all those chemistry notes erased from my memory.

so the chem exam wasn't has dreadful as i had imagined, but it was pretty difficult. toss in a few of those tricky "this scientist did this" kinda problems from the first week of school and you suddenly have a brain fart. gimme questions are never truly gimme questions. out of 50 questions, i had to get 35 right to make a "b" in the class. crossing my fingers...i was pretty confident with 39 of them, so i have a little bit of a cushion. we'll see tomorrow.

as soon as i got out of that exam, i attempted to throw that 10 lb book back in the bookstore people's faces and was denied. what i mean is that i tried to sell my book back, but there was no stupid cd in it and therefore, a $100 book was worthless. i had a fit because it didn't come with the cd. you may wonder why i even bought the book without the cd. well, to find this book at the beginning of the semester, i had to go on the quest for the holy grail...darn near impossible to get. i went on to tell him, as politely that i could, that they had sold me this used book at the beginning of the year without the cd (which no one uses anyway) and that i should not be penalized for their prior carelessness. all the while the man with red curls down to his waist sat there with his little santa hat and cheesy smile and ignored my explanation and recommended that i go see the textbook manager at the bookstore. like the textbook manager would believe me. i guess who can really trust the word of a college kid..."i promise i'm telling the truth." yea right. sucks for us who are really honest...okay that statement is just about to kick me in the butt.

it was a crime of passion. i didn't want that chem textbook, i wouldn't want the stupid cd either. i was done with chemistry for life. i marched right back up to my room, grabbed an old cd i had that was useless, and stuffed it in the cd sleeve in the back of the textbook. yes, in my fit of rage, i placed a fake cd in there. went to the bookstore and returned the book without any problems. so maybe i wasn't honest then. now i'm having a bit of dishonesty was definitely wrong, but i returned it in the same condition that i got it. actually, like a girlscout, i left it better than when i found had some old computer game my brother used to play in there. thats more fun than studying anyway. just hope that the next person who owns it doesn't plan on using the cd either. not that they should.

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