Monday, November 08, 2004

whats all the racquet about?

you'd be so proud of me! i've been very responsible and gone to ramsey and worked out and ran over the past week. finally, getting back in shape. becca and i chilled out for most of the weekend. sunday, we went to church, at some chicken parmasian at the 0-house brunch, then ran over to ramsey and played around. i entered the fish tanks for the first time. its this crazy echoey room where the point is to hit a little blue bouncy ball as hard as you can against the walls and try to avoid getting hit. it is commonly known as racquetball. anna and i went back again today. andrew head ended up making a short appearance on the court...trying to kill me when i've only hit the ball around once before. he was all proud of himself cuz he was showing me up...andrew, in a few weeks, you'll see. haha!

so i've been stalling on the homework. even all the stress building up hasn't compelled me to buckle down and get some serious study time in. i've got a stat exam wednesday...i can't figure out how the heck all the formulas connect to one another. i'm telling you, this is not the same stat class i was taking a month or two ago. then comes the sociology paper on thursday. then the third deadly chem exam...this one could be the one to do me in. that has the thursday morning slot for next week. finally, my fourth english paper must be turned in at 1:25 next friday afternoon. this is a lot of crap to worry about in two weeks darn it. arg. i'm sure you could care less. but i'm thinking i'm gonna have to pass up this trip to auburn this weekend cuz who knows when in the world i'm gonna get these things done. obviously, i need more than 28 hours of study time cuz that didn't cut it last time.

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