Wednesday, November 10, 2004


crappit. i just lost my blog and now i have to rewrite it. i hate when that happens.

anyway, as i said before, i get all stressed out about all the work i have to do and then both of my teachers give extensions on the papers i have due. wonderful, eh? hmmm...well, now it just gives me more time to procrastinate. too bad i couldn't have gotten an extension date for my tests. i don't even want to discuss my stat exam from today...lets just say it doesn't matter anyway cuz my 100 from the first exam replaces that lets pretend it never happened.

so i've started to free write for my two papers today. despite the push backs for the papers, this chem exam looming in the week to come is like knowing theres a scary guy in a mask around the corner about to....ahhh. the stress comes in ebbs and flows. actually, i think i'm doing quite well appearing fine...but inside i'm going crazy. i know thats nothing new. the more it think about it, the worse it gets. but then i sit down at the computer and try to work, and i get distracted and just can't force myself to do it. actually, i've gotten quite a bit of work done this afternoon, so i'm giving myself an extension on my homework and going to the gym with whitney and anna. after, say, a few games of racquetball, laps on the track, pulls on the rowing machine, and crunchis on the floor, its dinner, a quick shower, and then ruf! yay! wednesdays are good. thursdays are even better cuz i get to sleep 9:30, anyway. thats more hours of precious definately learn to appreciate the mattress and pillow more in college.

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