Monday, September 20, 2004

off my hands, off my mind

wow. i woke up this morning so incredably sore from waterskiing yesterday. i believe i'm a little out of shape. i've been meaning to go to those running club runs on tuesdays and wednesdays, but couldn't find the stupid track....actually couldn't figure out how to get to the track. so i've been lazy and putting exercise off. gotta get to ramsey soon.

not too eventful of a day. finally turned that wretched english paper in. i actually think it is a really good paper....except i'm unsure of what my professor actually wants. i've spent hours worrying over it...but its out of my hands now. if its off my hands, it should be off my mind. i'm too tired to post it tonight. maybe tomorrow. i had bible study with the freshmen girls tonight. we had about ten girls, which is quite a large group, but the discussion was good. we're studying romans right now and so far it has been awesome. anyway, i've got to get to bed because of a 7 am wake up tomorrow...gotta go to the dreaded three hour chem lab.

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