Sunday, October 16, 2005


my family has a lot of quirky phrases..."home-again-home-again" just happens to be one of them. every time we walked in the door from a trip, someone was sure to spout this one out. considering i'd been gone at school for two months to the day, it was very appropriate.

its refreshing, going home. after two weeks jam packed with things to study for, things to do, things to write, i was ready for it.

on top of school, things have been kind of haywire for the past month with my family. a day at the botanical gardens is just what we needed...and saturday was the perfect day for it.

it was rainy and cloudy for a week straight. on thursday, i was disappointed to find that the weather man's forecasted "clear skies around 80 degrees" was wrong. where was my sunshine i was promised? finally, the good weather came just in time for the weekend and the botanical gardens.

the special display they had was "locomotion." the train trestles and buildings were all made completely out of sticks, seeds, leaves, and the like. we then strolled through the different greenhouses...there were some really pretty flowers.

anyway, the pictures do a better job at summarizing the day, so i'll leave you with thousands of words...

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