Monday, September 12, 2005

this burrito is good...

but it is expensive.

i left a huge tip yesterday at barberritos. unintentionally.

i bought a burrito yesterday...the total came to $6.62. i paid with a $20 and 65 cents change (two quarters and three nickles). but for some reason the cashier was confused and tried to give me a nickel back. "no," i say, "i need three cents back."

and thats all i got.

i didn't realize it until this morning. the whole petty change thing threw off my normal cash register routine and i totally forgot about what really mattered...the green. and to make things worse, we didn't get receipts.

so, i ate a $19.97 burrito yesterday. i tried to go back today, but the guy couldn't reach the manager. "i can't just give you $14" he says. i know that. i just want my money back. i have to go back again tomorrow. hopefully i'll reclaim my life's savings.


Colettie said...

this burrito is good...
but it is filling

okay, i had to state the obvious because it's like the best line about burritos, ever. best of luck, darlin'.

Kaitlin said...

wow, that kinda... sucks.

Jeannine said...

this just in.

well, three hours late, but yea.

so i went downtown again after my last class. the manager still wasn't there. so i had to go back another hour and a half later. i argued with the manager for a few minutes. i asked him if there was a way to see if they had a surplus the other day. his response?

"we weren't really over...very much." so what the heck is that supposed to mean? i mean, what is "very much" in his position? is it $30? from my perspective, $5 would be. he just had this huge grin of annoyance on his face the whole time i talked to him. "its not my money to give you" he says. bull. hes the manager.

finally, he tried to guilt trip me.

"fine. i'll give you my money" he exclaims, as he pulls open the cash register and dishes out a $10 bill and four crisp ones. i took it gladly.

"thank you. i wouldn't be so persistant if i wasn't telling the truth." thats right. its my money, anyway.

Anonymous said...

That's my girl...squeeze those lincolns 'til they scream. Victory for beanie!xoxomom

Kaitlin said...

w00t! way to go bean. go! fight! win! take 'em down!

Anonymous said...

beans: 1
barberitos: 0

Jonathan said...

Well, it's all perspective. I'd say:

Beans: -$6.62
Barberritos: +$6.62

Congratulations on winning a moral victory. Wouldn't you have been embarrassed if, after all of this, you went home and saw a $20bill laying on your dresser and realized you had in fact only given him $6.65?

Then the new score would be:

Beans: +$7.28
Barberritos: -$7.28

Jeannine said...

that would have been devestating...but the fact is that i KNOW the only bill i had in my wallet was a $20, which amy had just paid me back with 10 minutes before by withdrawling from the atm and she remembers not seeing me get my change and almost saying something about it, but not.

if i didn't know that i was 100% right, i wouldn't have done anything about it. :)