Monday, September 05, 2005

procrastination at its best

i'm an expert procrastinator. seriously.

i had barely anything to do this past 3 day weekend. the only thing on the schedule was football...which took up saturday. but even so, i had nothing to do. but somehow, i've managed to put all homework off all weekend.

i'm a compulsive e-mail checker. i'm a compulsive facebook checker. i'm a compulsive away message reader. okay, lets me honest. i'm a compulsive internet anything-er. it reached its highest level of professional procrastination when i actually downloaded a game off the internet so i could procrastinate. i know. but you don't even know the name of the game yet...should i say it? tumblebugs. i'm officially a dork (but for those of you interested, its a combo of bejeweled and snood and snake. you can download it off msn games). throw in some sleeping in, frisbee, and alias, and you've got yourself a day full of unproductiveness.

but give me some credit. i actually stuffed my art history book in my bookbag, along with some notes on what to research on for this paper outline that is due thursday. then, i walked to the library. but its labor day. the campus is closed...which includes the library. and then i walked check my e-mail.

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

lol! i do similar things, dear sister. currently, i'm going to sit in a meeting that has to do with jan-term instead of going to convo. oh well. both i need to do but convo is held twice a week and the meeting is only held once.