Monday, September 19, 2005

not another one...

just a brief announcement. we had yet another cockroach sighting and execution a few minutes ago in the bathroom. that makes three. we need to get some raid.

in other news, i've been very productive today. i've actually almost finished my paper and its not even midnight yet! beautiful. i've been working on it non-stop (with the exception of a dinner break and a few routine internet checks) since 3:45. i'm feeling pretty good about it. i've written nine pages so far...i expect it to be about 10 or 11. okay, back to work.


Anonymous said...

yay you're almost done!! i didn't realize how long you've been working on it today...nonstop, too. i give you credit...i couldn't do it!

and yeah yuck on the cockroach. at least i wasn't coming out of the shower this time...:)

Jeannine said...

no, instead you were on the toilet.

Kaitlin said...


i killed a many-legged creature the other day. it was *shudder* nasty. i saw i ginormous spider on the bridge the other day too. it was about the size of my palm.