Thursday, May 05, 2005

update from the battle front

things are looking pretty good as this semester wraps up. definately not as stressful as last semester (man, am i glad chemistry is out of my life). three finals down, two to go. well, really its just the hardest final and a drawing (which i have yet to start) to do.

i'm pretty sure i've secured my a's in the finals i've finished already. however, the exam left is the one i need to make a 93 on in order to get an a. not too excited about that because that means i have to actually study, and study hard. this is the class where the professor expects us to read 160 pages of an encyclopedia type book three times over.

as for the drawing, i have no idea still what i want to draw. its driving me crazy. hopefully my professor won't be stupid and give me a "b" in that class because that would make me crazy mad.

i've spent most of the evening trying to gather my things together in the room so i can pack easily tomorrow. yes, its time to move the majority of my junk out of this dorm. i'm planning on keeping my pictures up on the wall because i don't think i could bear living in a white-walled prison while i study all weekend. my parents are coming up tomorrow to take stuff home...the bonus is that they're taking me out to lunch!! becca is done, so shes coming up as well.

boring post, i know, but what can you expect when all i've done all day is written my hand into a state of numbness and organized?

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