Tuesday, March 01, 2005

in like a lion...

yes, the age old saying held true today. march definately came "in like a lion" and i was out running around in it. we had surprise snow flurries...of course nothing sticks because we don't have that kind of luck here in georgia. i ran from class to class trying to stay warm...i hadn't expected it to be that cold today. no wonder, since the weather prediction was prolly about 10 degrees higher, partly cloudy. i made the mistake of making the fifteen minute walk to north campus for my advising appointment, rather than riding the bus.

we had our third ultimate frisbee game today. got off to a late start, so it got dark before we even finished. we continued, no doubt. it was just near impossible to see. the windy weather didn't help out much with the accuracy of throws and the muddy field wasn't great for making sudden changes of direction. anyway, we ended up winning, which is always fabulous. it seems that i can't play a game of frisbee without getting some sort of bruise or wound. i got nailed on the side of my elbow...not the pointy part, but the round bone on the inside of my arm. so now i have a nice bruise radiating from the epicenter of this bone. it will make another beautiful design, i'm sure.

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