Monday, June 26, 2006

some discrepencies

maybe it isn't that big of a deal. so what if, after closely examining my speeding ticket from last week, there was a minor discrepancy in regards to my hair color.

"hair: brn"

but what i can't figure out is how he could have mistaken this. on my driver's liscence, my hair is clearly blonde. heck, it says i'm blonde. plus, he blinded me with his maglight for three minutes while he quizzed me on my address and whether or not i had weapons in my vehicle. did he not see for himself the true color of my hair? after all that, he didn't even record my eye color. i don't have anything against burnettes, but i just don't think brown quite does it for me.

obviously, this officer was too hasty to move onto his next victim
to record things right. heck, why not just say i'm a red head? he couldn't even get the color of the car right. perhaps i can argue my $120 ticket in court, saying that the man is blind? yes?

maybe not.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

wow. musta been an awesome photographer who took that picture. :)

So I get to see you in brown and pinkish/reddish hair. Cool. You're right, blonde seems to be the best on you. But you look good in any of these hair colors! :)